The SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee (SC) is the global multi-stakeholder coordination mechanism for education in the 2030 Agenda. Its primary objective is to harmonize and strengthen support to Member States and their partners to achieve the education-related targets of the global agenda. Established in 2016, the Steering Committee is a platform that provides a forum to ensure more coordinated support for the realization of education targets and commitments.
The Steering Committee is composed of a majority from Member States, the World Education Forum 2015 convening agencies (UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UN Women, the World Bank and ILO), the Global Partnership for Education, the OECD, regional organizations, teacher organizations, civil society networks, in addition to representatives from the private sector, foundations, youth and student organizations.
The 6th SDG - Education 2030 Steering Committee meeting took place at the UNESCO Headquarters (Paris, 11-12 March 2019). The meeting focused on preparations for the review of SDG4 at the 2019 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2019 under the theme “Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equity”, as well as the UN General Assembly four-year review of all SDGs in September 2019. The main outcome of the meeting is the in-principle agreement of Steering Committee submission to the HLPF (access via link: http://education2030-arab-states.org/PDF/e50c741b-e939-4c5e-9780-81b150163442_2019HLPFSteeringCommitteeSubmission.pdf)
The Arab region is represented by Egypt, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, together with the regional organization ABEGS and representatives from UNESCO Beirut Office. Dr Abdulsalam Aljoufi will deliver a presentation on the Arab Region Outcome Statement (link: http://education2030-arab-states.org/PDF/724e6920-18e2-4f26-99ab-2f6ef2a81875_Education2030ArabRegionOutcomeStatementandCommitmentsfor2019and2020-EN-FINAL.pdf).
Key decision points and full details of the meeting can be found in the final meeting report via link: http://education2030-arab-states.org/PDF/f11d0720-a7b6-4113-83dd-86e7f796bd0e_6thmeetingoftheSteeringCommittee(11-12March2019)-finalreport.pdf