Sustainable Development Goal 4

Global Indicator (GI) Framework to Monitor SDG4 Targets

At the international level, there are 11 global indicators proposed for monitoring SDG 4.These 11 global indicators represent the minimum set of indicators proposed to countries for the global monitoring of the SDG 4 targets.A broader set of internationally - comparable indicators are also being developed.This set of 43 thematic indicators serve to chart global progress on education and to monitor the SDG4 education targets more comprehensively across countries, allowing the possibility to identify conceptual challenges regarding the targets that are not adequately addressed and reflected by the global indicators.The thematic indicator framework includes the global indicators as a subset and also proposes a set of additional indicators that countries may use to monitor their progress.The selection of which additional indicators to be used in each national context will depend on policy priorities, technical capacity, and data availability. Additional regional indicators may be developed to take account of specific regional contexts and relevant policy priorities for concepts that are less amenable to global comparison.At the national level, countries will also have additional indicators that account for specificities of their national contexts and that correspond to their education systems, policy agendas, strategies and plans. 

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